Friday, January 9, 2009

Slow At Keeping Up!

Man, there's not enough time in the day for me! I get my pictures but then I forget to download them and load them to blogger and do the rest. So here's the rest of my first week. I know its Friday but I will explain my pictures from what was left.

Here's youngest daughter teaching me how to do a handstand. Like that's going to ever happen again! But she's sure if I will just pay attention, that she can teach me.

And just what is so great about an ugly old pecan tree? Nothing other than my mom and my girls picked up the pecans from it and made over $250 this year. That's a lot! We've got this tree in our front yard and my mom has a smaller tree in her yard. This ended up being their money at Disney world!
That's my first week of photos. When I get my layout all put together, I will post it. Soon, I hope!

1 comment:

  1. So next week I'm expecting a picture of you doing a handstand. You do have a wonderful teacher so I can't imagine why you can't do one. Just make sure Justin is there to "document" the event with a picture to share with us!
