Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Long Day! What Happened!

Whew! I do not know what happened to today. I dropped J off at work, picked him up for lunch, gave him the car, he went to get B from gymnastics, they came to get me, we went to get gas, came home, cooked supper, did homework and it is after 9:00. J is washing dishes so I can do this quickly and the girls are brushing teeth. I don't know what happened to the time today. B sat quietly while A did homework and then said LOOK! She has spelled her name with Q-Tips! And so, the photo I had taken for today, has been replaced by another at the last minute! That kid comes up with the strangest things!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Now that's talent and using some higher level thinking skills to do this. That picture couldn't be any cuter. You can see how proud she is over her accomplishment!
