Tuesday, January 6, 2009

HAHA! Laugh if you will!

I come to blogger this morning to load my pics for yesterday and it shows that I haven't blogged anything since 2 January. I know I loaded something every day except for one day. I guess it all got lost in the cyberspace they call it. I do remember thinking that I didn't like the red background of my layout and changing it and by the time I got that done and loaded, I had two pages to load and very little to say and decided to only load my photos daily and save my layout for the last day. I guess now I will load my photos again.

This picture was New Year's Day. Not nice to be in the hospital, but nice to be with family and the ones you love! Always!

This is the two best nurses I think I've ever had in my life! And, having been diabetic for 30+ years, I think that gives me a little bit of qualifications to judge! One argued with me from the time I rolled onto HER floor and the other fusssed over me and made sure I was well taken care of. Yep! That would be my nurses!

The room with a view. This was my hospital room view. To remind me that life's view is not always beautiful. I thought I was facing the new wing construction area, which is not any prettier, but instead I was facing the dumpsters.

What fun? Who hasn't loved to jump on a trampoline at one time or another in their lifetime? I know I enjoyed it when I was a kid! They love it. Just when they get off, they have to have a bath because their feet are BLACK! As smut! Its under a pecan tree so the sap makes for pretty nasty looking feet when you're finished jumping!

Here's oldest daughter training Willie her Golden Retriever. He knows her so well. You can tell by his jaws that she's fixing to move and throw the treat to him. True love. He'd follow her to the moon and back and flip a few times on the way.

Ok, that's all for now. I got to get out of this house and move around today. I think since DH made pralines yesterday youngest daughter and I will take a ride in the golfcart this afternoon and give some to friends up the road as a thank you for their prayers, calls, offers of kid sitting, beef stew and just being there while I was sick.


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