Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have no idea where I am but I did sneak a peak before I logged on. And to have had to log on, I tell you I'm pretty far behind! I mean, I know I am in WR waiting for A to get out of ballet but that's about it. I have a great ode to post later but I got to catch up first!

February 12: Here's A&B heading off to school for Valentine's Day will goodies for their teachers. So far, they've had good teachers. I thank God for that because I am not teacher material.

February 17: Does homework ever have to be done? Of course not. If you have a daddy that plays and makes it seem like fun. Here J and A are doing math home work and measuring everything in the house possible that was included in the book! They finally gave out of things to measure!

February 20: Sick again. Its what got me not to posting and taking pictures to start with. Poor B! She's had sinus infection after sinus infection, we got her tonsils out and she's still sick. This time, she told me her throat hurt but I thought it was just sinus drainage again. She barely made it home from schoool before she crashed on the couch. Its pretty rough when you crash before mommy crashes and I'm the head crasher of all time in our family. I have always been the one to take naps!
January 22: Who called who a chicken? I wish I had this on video! But doesn't she make a beautiful chicken? Somebody needs to teach this ballerina to do the Funky Chicken!

I think I'm caught up with my pictures, I've got to stay caught up with everything!
More later!

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